Journal Entry 4

Date: TBA


  • Made three more enemy types
  • Made the range render when the tower is selected.
  • Also made the tile not highlight if the tower is not visible
  • Made a new tower type with splash damage effect
  • Made cards animate when mouse is hovering over them
  • Made armor piercing tower
  • Made all towers upgradable up to level 4
  • Added Advanced gold card
  • Added cards for unlocking towers and upgrades
  • Added tower info when hovering over the tower or tower selection button
  • Added tutorial to show info about the game
  • Added error messages when the card or tower cannot be purchased or upgraded
  • Made a video trailer about the game


I started making changes according to feedback received from the playtesting session and put them into three categories:

  1. Features I planned to make regardless:
    1. More enemy types
    2. More tower types
  2. Features I have addressed:
    1. Preview range indication when the tower is selected
    2. Added tutorials to guide the player
  3. Features wasn't able to address due to time and/or complexity:
    1. Animations/confirmations of buying cards (apart from currency deduction)
    2. Deck control, like trashing/discarding cards
    3. Showing last card in discard pile and the number of cards in deck

The most difficult thing in this game was the animation. I managed to make the card move up/down when the mouse hovers over it, but I wasn't able to make the shake animation and the movement to discard pile. Making more towers and cards were easy, probably the most time consuming part was the description updates and the graphics via Paint.

Invested hours:

  • Introducing new enemy types: 45 minutes
  • Implementing range indication when tower is selected: 40 minutes
  • Not highlighting tiles if no tower is selected: 5 minutes
  • Implementing special effects: 30 minutes
  • Implementing splash damage tower: 30 minutes
  • Animating cards: 90 minutes
  • Adding more towers: 2 hours
  • Adding more cards: 3 hours
  • Adding tutorials: 90 minutes
  • Making trailer: 60 minutes


V2 of the project ready for submission with a video trailer

Files 26 MB
May 20, 2024

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