Journal Entry 2&3

Date: 6.5.2024 (2) and 15.5.2024 (3)


  • (2) Made a working tower and an enemy.
  • (2) Made the tile selection logic working when mouse moves over them.
  • (3) Made the working tower building system.
  • (3) Made the working wave spawning system.
  • (3) Made the working deck-building system.


Throughout the second week, I have implemented the base tower, enemy and wave spawning logic. Unfortunately, I was away from the computer and I didn't have much time for more work.

On the third week, I have implemented the deck-building and tower building logic. Now every mechanic should work as intended, but the amount of enemy types, tower types and cards are limited.

Invested hours:

  • (2) Setting up working enemy logic: 4 hours
  • (2) Setting up working tower logic: 4 hours
  • (3) Setting up working tower building logic: 4 hours
  • (3) Setting up working deck-building logic: 4 hours
  • (3) Designing cards: 4 hours


V1 of the project with working deck-building and tower defense mechanics.

Files 26 MB
May 15, 2024

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