Journal Entry 5

Date: 28.5.2024


  • Downloaded the Breakout project and made it juicier. The following improvements were added:
    • Initial colors
    • Camera shake
    • Brick setup - colors based on row, bounce movement with a random delay
    • Juicy ball hit - ball gets bigger and with random color transition
    • Juicy brick hit - constant rotation and movement based on ball's velocity
    • Stretcy paddle
    • Paddle face - only smile being tweened when hit, eye rotation is not working properly and the rest is not implemented
    • Game fade in/out
    • Ball trail - set color and width over time
    • Puff of smoke - simple world particle when ball hits anything
    • Confetti - simple particle when ball hits the paddle
    • Sounds
    • Slow motion


Today, I have received an email about a missing homework for which I wasn't able to find the assignment. After asking a teacher, the assignment was posted on the website. So I checked it, downloaded it and applied as many juicy improvements as I could. Then the website was down, so I had to wait for the next day to post it.

Invested hours:

  • Finding out what I was supposed to do: 30 minutes
  • Downloading and preparing project: 30 minutes
  • Setting up initial colors: 10 minutes
  • Camera shake: 10 minutes
  • Brick setup: 10 minutes
  • Juicy ball hit: 10 minutes
  • Juicy brick hit: 15 minutes
  • Stretcy paddle: 10 minutes
  • Paddle face: 30 minutes
  • Game fade in/out: 10 minutes
  • Ball trail: 10 minutes
  • Puff of smoke: 15 minutes
  • Confetti: 15 minutes
  • Sounds: 10 minutes
  • Slow motion: 10 minutes


Juicy version of the Breakout game attached to this post.

Files 29 MB
May 28, 2024

Get Project T

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