Journal Entry 2


- Changed the first level, so it's no longer a troll level (removed same-scene transitions, falling stone, checkpoint, adjusted the moving platform)
- Created a new level focused on puzzle solving
- Fixed the health UI (I just had to add event to Ellen game object)
- Added the background music to my levels


Today, I decided to remove the troll mechanics from the first level and decided to create a second level mainly focused on puzzle solving with triggers. I have also checked how info posts are working and put some of them into the second level. Other than that I figured out how to fix the UI when the player loses health and how to add background music.

Invested hours:

- Fixing the UI and the background music: 30 minutes
- Adjusting first level: 30 minutes
- Creating second level: 2 hours


V2 version of the game with two custom levels. After completing those two, Zone 1 gets loaded.

Files 143 MB
Mar 04, 2024

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