Journal Entry 3

Date: 22.4.2024


  • Disabling/Enabling effect of the keys are now made via animations to save some code and to make it more juicy.
  • Adding sound effect when a key gets disabled.
  • Remade key prefabs to have their respective color particles and added lights to them to distinguish between both color of the key and whether they are enabled or not.
  • Added helping posts to guide the player throughout the level and to be careful on the bottom right part of the level.
  • Added backgound and decorations to the level.
  • Reworked on the in-game UI and end game UI to match the 2D Game kit style.
  • Added one more UI in pause menu for displaying keys and the door info.
  • Made a minute long gameplay video.


On Sunday, I have finished the game. It took way longer than I originally anticipated. Even making changes like UI or decorating took hours. On the other hand, I got already more familiar with animating, so making the key fizzle out wasn't bad. The coding part was also pretty quick and easy. I have also tried making cutscenes, but I got nowhere with that and I managed to break the main camera too. I was also amazed that changing particles in keys get reflected in the scene. Previously I remember having to reset created prefabs.

Invested hours:

  • Animating: 1 hour
  • Decorating the scene: 2 hours
  • Making and reworking UI: 2 hours
  • Other work with Unity including playtesting: 2-3 hours
  • Making a video: 30 minutes


V2 version of the game, which should be now finished.

Files 92 MB
Apr 21, 2024
Kormos-ProjectB-video.mp4 215 MB
Apr 21, 2024

Get Project B

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