Journal Entry 2

Date: 17.4.2024


  • Designed the level
  • Implemented key logic to this game
  • Implemented enemy spawning logic to the game
  • Implemented exit door logic to the game
  • Added and implemented UI for showing keys, attempts and victory screen


Yesterday and today, I have implemented the game and should by now playable. There are some slight changes compared to attached one page design to make the game easier to 1-attempt it. One more thing I have to confess, is that I had to focus on a different course, making this game feel a bit rushed. Tweens and other decorations will be added later.

Invested hours:

  • Implementing the game: 8-9 hours


V1 version of the game, which should be now complete in terms of gameplay.

Files 155 MB
Apr 17, 2024
ProjectA-one-page-design-v3.pdf 4.3 MB
Apr 17, 2024

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